Monday, July 27, 2015

Thank You!!!

I would like to take the time to just say, thank you very much for this:

Derek's Blog

Pageview chart 1000 pageviews - 77 posts, last published on Jul 23, 2015 - 1 follower
I went on today and saw that this blog has EXACTLY one thousand pageviews. It's amazing! So thanks again to everybody, and have a wonderful day. 
One more thing, I started a brand new channel, and it's the last one we are going to do so enjoy!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Still Waiting...

So far my sister hasn't unleashed the website. She's still tweaking on it. In the meantime, I'm making even more youtube videos. It's actually a new channel my brother and I started, and it's funny and lame. We're just recording what we are thinking. Don't judge.
First video here --------->

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Perler Beads

I got into a new thing this week. They're called perler beads. Basically you line the perler beads up into a cool pattern or something, then use an iron to fuse them togather into something amazing. My sister is making a bunch of products, and is going to to sell them on her website. I'm going to give you a link sometime today, or tomorrow. Depending when the site is done. This is not advertisement, people, it's called umm... Attention, I guess. Whatever.

New Excuse!

I didn't feel like posting. That's my excuse. You're welcome. I'll start posting more this month though.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Yes, You're Right

Yep, I have another excuse. And it's another good one. So in Tigard, Oregon, we have this summer program for 4 to 5 year olds called Safety Town. I was one of the student instructors, and every instructor got a group of 5 kids. We had 4 stations, and it was all hosted in Mary Woodward Elementary School. First station was in the cafeteria, where we would sing songs and teach the children the new ones. Second one was the art station, where- You guessed it, art. The third one was in the gym, where the children can learn their phone number, address, and their own name. (Yes, some are that far behind.) The final and funnest station is outside, where the kids drive ket cars around Safety Town. This entire week and last week I was all filled up with a lot of crap, so yah.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


You might be thinking, this Asian idiot waited about a week and then posted this crap. Now I know it's going to be some lame excuse about why he didn't post before. Well, you're correct. Except the fact that I'm not an idiot. I'm a genius. A child genius. Nvm that, let's get to the point: Why didn't I post? Well, it's because I locked myself out of my own computer acc last month. Probably shouldn't have said that right after I told you that I was a genius. But anyway, I had to use my borhter's account after I locked myself out of mine. All of the sudden, parental controls flew up and I can't use a webpage, including google. Parental controls can not be deactivated unless it is done using the main acc. Which is mine. Which I got myself locked out of. So yeah. Yesterday, my brother was still trying to deactivate it, when I, using my amazing asian powers, broke the ccomputer and had to restart it. After it restarted, every parental control that was on there was shut down and I can go anywhere now. Amazing story.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

New Game

I had recently downloaded a new game. It's called Bitcoin Bilionaire. It's SO addictive. I'm playing it right now as I type. It's basically like cookie clickers, except with different upgrades and such. you guys should try it out to. it could use another 50 blog readers to download it.